Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Second Sock Done!

I finished Lincoln's second camo sock, and am just finishing up Super Secret Project (super secret because it is a very special gift for a very special arrival!). After I'm done weaving in all the ends, I will take a break from acrylics and start on Wicket in earnest. I'm currently finishing my gauge swatch and hope to wash and block it today.

In the econ world, before we can talk about whether or not a deficit is a bad thing, we need to discuss the two things a government can do that ordinary people can't. After all, if you or I run up a debt we eventually have to pay it, right? Things aren't so simple for a government. The two things a government can do are: 1) Tax and 2)Print Money. *All* of our money originates from the Central Bank, and when the government taxes us they require that we pay them in the same currency that they've provided to us to begin with...

Shucks, I've given away too much already. Stay tuned for the next exciting chapter of our deficit story...

1 comment:

AnneKaelber said...

Hey! I love the new blog---makes me feel positively guilty about the lack of knitty-pix on my blog! *grin*

Keep up with the Econ lessons....I love it! Nice and simple and straight-forward (unlike my Econ 101 TA who was part of the "how many can we fail this semester" pool. Grrrr!).
