Friday, April 06, 2007


My secret pal spoiled me this week! Take a look at how nicely she packaged everything (also note the really cute bunny dishcloth she knitted for me!):

I was like a kid at Christmas and made quick work of opening everything:

Inside were lots of knitting goodies - a Knitpicks Chartkeeper (which I have been drooling over forever), some Soak woolwash in yummy scents, and two hanks of Knitpicks Gloss - it's part silk (yummmmmmmmmmmmmm):

Plus there were lots of other treats: There were some kitty treats for Dr. Zaius and Cheetara - you'd think it was kitty crack the way that Zaius gobbles them up.

There were also cute little sheep cards and some Margarita-flavored Jell-o.

Thank you thank you thank you!!!!

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