I am not a knitting monogamist. Even though I may have been in love with a pattern when I started it, after a while my eye starts to wander and I begin to flirt with other patterns. Usually it’s just innocent flings off to the side while I maintain a steady relationship with my current pattern. Sometimes, though, I find that “special someone” that makes me seriously think about leaving my pattern for greener pastures.
Here’s my obsession:
I have created not one, not two, but *three* swatches in three different yarns to determine the Ultimate Yarn for this design. I am convinced that this pattern, combined with the “just right” yarn, will not only end world hunger but allow people to instantly transport from one place to the next and completely eliminate our dependence on oil.
Don’t worry about Currer. I’m at the peplum and I’ll stick with it “for the kids”, but I think it already knows that the romance is gone.