Okay, this meme has been going around for a while, but I've finally been tagged. I unofficially tagged myself after reading
Terri's blog, but I've also been officially tagged by
Jennifer. Here's the deal - I'm supposed to tag seven people, but I've always done poorly at games like that so I'm following Terri's rules:
Here are the tag rules (as modified by Terri)
Each person tagged gives 7 random facts about themselves.
Those tagged need to write on their blog the 7 facts as well as the rules of the game.
People who feel that they are tagged after reading this post can feel free to tag themselves and leave a note in my comments section.
Seven Random Facts:
1. I am left-handed, but I golf, knit, crochet, use scissors, cut my food, and do most everything else right-handed.
2. My favorite book of all time is "Emma" by Jane Austin. I've read it several times.
3. When I was little (okay, not so little - even now) I dreamed of becoming a writer
4. I love popcorn and eat it almost every day
5. I had all of my fingers crushed in a shopping-cart accident when I was 3. No permanent damage except my hands get very cold very easily.
6. I don't eat fish, or any creature that spends a majority of it's life submerged in water (eg crab, lobster)
7. I do eat meat. Yum!
Okay, now that that's out of the way I can move on to explaining the somewhat menancing title of this post. I have completed the Bobbi Bear legs, torso, and head, and have commenced stuffing him before I knit up the arms. From the photo on BB's pattern, I assumed he would be a petite bear, even though I had nothing at all on which to base that assumption. Well, BB is *huge*. He is full-teddy-bear sized, and stands at over a foot tall. I knew he was tall, but the full impact of his size did not strike me until he was stuffed. As soon as I have the opportunity, I'll take a photo so that you can see the giant that is Bobbi.